【同义词辨析】 2019-06-11 疯狂mania-hysteria

mania: usually implies excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm: a society with a ~ for football.   mania for something完全等于madness for something

delirium: adds the notion of extreme emotional excitement: in a ~ of ecstasy at the thought of seeing her again. 注意不要写成tacy     这个词还表示谵妄即神志错乱,表现为兴奋、语无伦次、无法集中注意力,由于发烧、疾病或高龄引起。谵妄delirium和痴呆dementia是老年常见的意识障碍     这个词的解释好记,因为三个词都以e开头

frenzy: suggests loss of self-control and violent agitation often manifested in action: shoppers driven to a ~ during the annual sale. manifest清楚展现展示implies a plain, direct, immediate revelation,如manifested her musical talent at an early age她小时候就展现出音乐天赋)  annual sale年度促销

hysteria: implies emotional instability that is often marked by swift transitions of mood: the ~ of fans.  swift既快速又轻松suggest great rapidity coupled with ease of movement,如returned the ball with one swift stroke轻快地把球回过去. 《When you believe》歌词中有句hope is like a summer bird, too swiftly flown away希望就象夏天的小鸟,转眼飞走不见)  中日钓鱼岛争端时,日方曾职责中方'hysterical歇斯底里',中方对日方使用这种语言表示'shocked震惊'

mania狂热: 指过度不合理热情,delirium兴奋、谵妄: 增加了极端兴奋的意思,还表示谵妄症,frenzy狂乱: 表示情绪失控,常表现出紧张狂暴行为(如美国年度促销时,顾客冲抢货架上的商品),hysteria歇斯底里: 指精神不稳定情绪快速变化

记忆方法: 1)首字母MDFH从后往前看是很疯癫么<==疯狂      疯狂的程度比疯癫强,疯癫只是形容一个人与常人不一样,言行举止不合常规,这一组强调,即精神失控反应暴烈

         2)疯狂的意思是反应夸张情绪思维精神失控mean a state marked by exaggerated reactions and a loss of emotional, mental, or nervous control.    很多人把精神病叫成神经病,是因为早期医学不发达,误以为是神经系统失常造成的,所以把精神病叫成了神经病,习惯沿用了下来